Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Town ***

Ben Affleck's adaptation of Chuck Hogan's novel "The Prince of Thieves" takes you down the rough streets of Charlestown, Massachusetts. In an opening text, it is revealed that the town is known for its high population of skilled bank robbers. We get ride along with the first heist of the film, lead by Doug MacRay (Ben Affleck), James "Jem" Coughlin (Jeremy Renner), Albert "Gloansy" Magloan (Slaine), and Desmond "Dez" Elden (Owen Burke). Dressing in skull masks, the team overtake a large bank and quickly subdue all the employees and customers. The bank manager, Claire Keessey (Rebecca Hall) is forced to unlock the safe or risk a coworkers life. While it almost seems that Clair is too stressed to complete her task, one of the masked men tries to calm her down and assist her in unlocking the safe. Eventually the groups makes it out with the money and Claire as a hostage while they try to evade the police. In an unexpected turn Claire is released unharmed and unaware of who any of the men who abducted her were. When it becomes apparent that Doug is having feelings for Claire, the other members of the team, especially Jem, begin to see that as a large liability. 

As the film progresses we get introduced to FBI agent Adam Frawley (John Hamm), who is in charge investigating a series of professional level bank heists, many lead by Doug's team. Doug reintroduces himself to an emotionally scarred Clair and begins a to have romantic relationship her. Doug is trying to find balance between his new relationship with Clair and trying to maintain his loyalty to his crew. Jem's drug addicted sister, Krista (Blake Lively), whom Doug was previously involved with, is trying to convince Doug to continue to be a part of her and her infant daughter, Shyne's, life. Everything seems to be going well until  Doug is offered another large scale heist. He at first rejects the job until Fergie (Pete Postlethwaite), the town crime boss, threatens Claire's life if Doug refuses. 

Ben Affleck does an excellent job directing a ensemble cast through the streets of Charlestown. In addition the town itself feels like its a character along with the others that breaths a sense of its own life into the film. In addition to the directing, Ben Affleck's own performance is one of his best in years. Jeremy Renner, who is still fresh of the his success from "The Hurt Locker" brings us another incredible performance. While his character Jem is much more sinister and violent, he still brings the same raw intensity that makes him so believable. John Hamm of "Mad Men" ditches the cigarettes and scotch for an FBI badge and the stern determination to catch this group of bank robbers at any cost. But one performance in particular stood out to me the most, Blake Lively as the drug addicted single mother Krista. Having only seen her in projects like "Gossip Girl" or other teen films, she really showed another side to herself as an actress who can clearly play any character ranging from teen socialite to and troubled single mom trying to make the best out of a bad situation for her young daughter. In addition to the performances, the intense heists and high speed car chases through out the town elevates the film to another level. Ben finds the perfect balance of emotional performances and enough action to keep the story and pace going. While I found one or two scenes to drag on a little, they still found a way to serve as integral parts of the overall story. 

With Ben Affleck's direction and the combined talent of the cast, The Town is emotionally driven action packed heist film that paints a portrait of the life in the rough streets of Charlestown. I award this film of the week a solid 3 out of 4 stars. 

Watch the trailer: The Town trailer

See this weeks box office: This Weeks Box Office

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