Sunday, October 31, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2 **1/2

We all remember the phenomenon that Paranormal Activity became when it was released in 2009. The word-of-mouth buzz spread like wildfire and before you knew it Paranormal Activity was an instant box office mega success bringing in over 190 million dollars under a 15 thousand dollar budget. The film would go on to become one of the most talked about horror films of the last decade, whether you loved it or hated it, and the names Oren Peli, Katie Featherston, and Micah Sloat would be added to list of horror film names to remember.

Now in 2010, the Paranormal Activities legacy continues in its sequel Paranormal Activity 2, not directed by Oren Peli of the original by Tod Williams. The film starts off one year before the first film with the birth of Hunter, the newest addition to Dan and Krsiti's family. We jump forward and now Hunter is about a year old and the whole family is living a happy life. We have the husband Dan, Kristi, their daughter Ali from Dan's first marriage (he's widowed not divorced), newly born Hunter, Martine the family housekeeper, and the German Shepherd Abby. Kristi is actually the sister of Katie Featherston, who reprises her character in this film along with her boyfriend Micah.

All seems well until what looks like a burglary takes place while the family is out, strangely nothing has been stolen. This prompts Dan into installing six security cameras throughout the interior and exterior of the house. For the first few days the cameras don't pick up any strange activity until one night when Martine is left alone babysitting Hunter. A series of loud noises terrifies the superstitious Martine to the point of burning sage throughout the house, trying to cleanse the house of the demon. Dan and Kristi return home to see a terrified Martine trying to exorcise the house, Dan is forced to fire Martine claiming he doesn't want any of her superstitious behavior around baby Hunter.

Things only get worse as the days progress. Ali gets locked out of the house after stepping outside and front door slams shut behind her. Ali tries to convince her father the house is haunted, even after showing him the footage of the door shutting on her, but Dan brushes it off as wind. We also learn that Kristi and her sister Katie have had similar experiences as a child but both refuse to talk about them fearing their discussion will only make the hauntings worse. Now, in addition to the security cameras Ali begins to document the occurrences and starts researching hauntings. Ali learns, similar to Micah and Katie in the first film, that they have a demon haunting the house not a ghost. The difference being a ghost is the spirit of a dead human and a demon is not human. What Ali comes to learn is that if a deal is made with a demon for wealth then the family must offer their first born male to the demon, Hunter is the first born male in Kristi's family since their great great grandfather. Eventually Kristi experiences the worst of the hauntings and as a result everyone seems to be a believer and the safety of Hunter is at stake.

While I was watching this movie I will admit I jumped on more than one occasion. Even so, I found it difficult to decide where I stood with this film. The scares and tactics used were virtually identical to those in the first film, the stomping, the slamming doors, etc., the only difference being that the events were amplified significantly. This film, without a doubt had a more engaging story and plot structure than the first one, in fact the flaws of the first one were corrected for the sequel. However, what made the first one terrifying and have its lasting effect was lost in this one. This film's scares were great for the moment but they didn't last longer than the scare itself. I remember, after seeing the first film, anytime I look down the stairs of my house at night a chill when down my spine. While the film was better structured and amplified compared to the first film, the lack simplicity and progression of the tension building scares brought my score of the film down. I'm not saying at all that it is a bad movie, absolutely not, I'm saying that if you are going in expecting to have the same long lasting fear effect of the first then you will be disappointed. But if you are looking for a good horror movie to freak out your date for the night then this is definitely a good film to use. I gave this film of the week 2 and a half stars.

Watch the trailer: Paranormal Activity 2 trailer

See this weeks box office chart: This Weeks Box Office

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